Okay, so I thought that I might start writing my blog in English, cause there is some of my friends/family that don´t understand Norwegian, + I get to practice my english! So, I hope all of my Norwegian friends/family understand english, or else, go to google translation to translate my english. And to my American friends I´m sorry for my bad english.
Well its a new year. Its crazy how fast a year goes by, I can´t believe it. A lot of people start the new year with new-year-resolutions. I , personally can admit I have done that a couple of times, but what always happen to me, and probably to a lot of you, is that you just after a few days don´t care about the resolutions anymore. Some have resolutions like quit smoking, dieting, work harder, get a job, be nicer, etc.. But most of the times people stop caring about there resolutions and go back to there old habits. I don´t see the point of setting goals if you´re not going to follow it.So this year I´m not going to set any resolutions, I stop believing in them. SO, instead of getting all upset, and caught up to what´s the right thing to do, I´m going to take each thing at the time. Live at the moment, I think its called.!
So I hope that everybody else out there do the same as me, not that I´m all right at all time.! But I think this is I pretty good Idea! Live Healthy though.. Look forward at your life, don´t get sad that you did not make your resolution at this day, but for all you do, don´t just think everything is okay the way it is. What I´m saying is, try, but not get upset about yourself. After all, we are only human! Only!
Or what do you think?
Stay fit, stay safe, stay healthy, stay nice, take care, and live life!
A little thing I´ll like to say is; that people need to stop acting like they are something better than they are! Be yourself, and if you´re not perfect, its okay! Just don´t hide it and act Perfect!
Love, Ingeborg Louise
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