

Now we have started school again after a long and nice brake.. 

On tuesday I got to meet the new exchange student.. His name is Gustavo and he´s from Brasil! I have two classes with him, and lunch.. So its cool! On tuesday we also had a meet. That was fun! I were swimming a 100 breast stroke and 200 free relay. I beet both of my times. My free with 7 sec. and my breast stroke with 13 sec. Which is huge.! So thats fun. 

Since it´s a new semester I have got some or actually one new class, which is psychology. Its a lot of fun . And I´m so glad I´m done with computer application. 


Today at practice I was swimming with all the breast strokers in lane 4, and we didnt have much time for practice. So we swam between 2500-3000 in one hour. And we only swam breast stroke in my lane. Which ended with me having a cramp in my right hand , all the way from my fingertips to my elbow. Any way, my hand was stiff ,  and I couldnt move it before I got home from practice and sat with hot water on my lap. I then could open my hand/ fingers.. Worste pain so far in US.. 


I have to sleep.. 

Good night.. love, "Louie" 


Anonymous said...

haha! jeg lo av den drømmen/marerittet! Så gøy å lese om slumber party osv.. Skikkelig amerikansk:P
Savner deg også søta <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Hei Ingeborg! Selv om jeg sjelden kommenterer (blogger systemet er så teit..), så leser jeg bloggen din fast :D :D

ingeborg-louise said...

Aww. Det er koselig å høre Lena..:D <3 Leser din også..:)

Anonymous said...

Er en av dine faste lesere som er her innom nesten hver dag. Spennende hver gang du har skrevet.
All den svønninga, pass deg så du ikke blir havfrue....

ingeborg-louise said...

hehe;) hvem er du anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Ja, det skulle du nok likt å vite

ingeborg-louise said...

hmm.. er det pappa? eller.. hmm. aner ikke jeg..