
Just more updates about my life in the states !

Its time for update! Lately it has been a lot of ups and downs. I like to start with the worse and work my up so... We got some sad news at school at school last monday; two students at Napoleon had committed suicide. It was a very sad week with viewing and funerals, but lets go over to something more joy full to write about.  We had a tornado warning, and it actually was a tornado like 20 min away from here after what I heard, so katie and me were alone, and we had to take all the animals down in the basement with us, it was scary but interesting at the same time. Nothing bad happen, and we hope that it wont later either. We have got a visit from Germany from Chloe and Kristian, its fun having a baby in the house. She is so cute:)! I have also been at the movies and watched "Taken", its a really good movie, another movies that I recommend is:"Beaches", "The Producer", "The Uninvited" ,"The curious case of Benjamin Button".. hmm. thats what I remember at the moment. Good good movies!
I also got new Uggs today. that was so nice, been looking forward to that since I spilled ink all over my old ones. We have also been shopping for prom dresses, or we have been looking in three dress stores, and 5 other stores! I found two that are maybes, but not actually what I want, so I have to look more and see what I can find. Hope that I find something fast!! Any suggestions what kind, color I should get? strap less? Princess style? fitted?.. etc...

So thats all for this time, my mom, dad and Martha are coming over in 2 and a half week, its gonna be fun see them again. :)



Silje Marie said...

Er enig med deg at "taken" var en bra film! :D

Prom dresses: se paa internett (om du vet storrelsen din) om du ikke finner noen i butikkene, de har tonn med fine kjoler og frakt er ofte billig..:)
Naar er deres prom? Har du date eller skal du gaa med venner?
Vi har prom 2. mai, saa jeg maa begynne aa lete etter kjole jeg ogsaa, men mange av kjolene rundt om er er litt for jalla, hehe:P

ingeborg-louise said...

Jeg har vært i ca 7 butikker.. Masse jalla. Trur jeg har funnet kjolen jeg vil ha nå. vet strl min ja.. takker for tipset;) Du veit "Cinderella Story"-.. Den hvite kjolen henne har på ballet. jeg fant en kopi av den.:) så ja.. trur jeg skal kjøpe den..:) Hva med deg da? ballet vårt er 25 april.. så har litt stress.! hehe. men men. ska nok finne en:D <3 savner deg Silf!