I am a "retard", also known as slow. I cant get this blog going. ! I am sorry, I just don´t take the time to do it.! anyway. lets get on business and talk about what has been going on. I don´t know where to start, but I know that not too long ago I went to winter jam concert to see TobyMac I went with Melissa, Sam and the Brown family. It was a blast! I think it was last wednesday I went the movies and "Cold Stone" (ice cream place) with Adriana, Karina and Josh. It was Karina´s birthday so we had to do something fun. I went shopping with the church on Saturday. I got a lot of cool stuff. It was very very nice!! haha. My room is also cleaned up, by Katie. She basically came into my room and started to throw things that she thought I did not need anymore, which is true, I just have a hard time throwing things. And I am thankful that she helped me cause on Friday this week "Mis padres y mi hermana" (My parents and my sister) is coming to the US.! I am very excited to see them again since it has been like, 8 months since last time I hugged them, talk to them in person, saw them! So thats gonna be fun! I also got a call from EF that I was elected to be a Returnee this summer, so I am not coming home before august! .... well that was the plan, until my dad got me a job, which is good, but not really... But know I get to spend summer with my friends:D..So be careful around 11 of June cause Ingeborg is coming to Town (Fon)*hark*!!
btw. is it hot in Norway, cause it truly is here!
Well, I got to go. I need to get some beauty sleep.. Sleep tight people!
skal du være returnee eller ikke?! gøy med besøøøøk!;) <3
jeg skal ikke være returnee.. siden jeg fikk jobb. Det er noe dritt, men samtidig glad jeg fikk jobb!
gleder meg til besøk ja:D <3
jeg hadde veldig lyst til å være returnee også, men da hadde jeg jo ikke kommet til Norge før i august og på campen så har de jo samme programmet neste sommmer, selv om d hadde vært tøft! ;D
Fint bilde av Maisåkeren.
Blir spennende å se og oppleve landet.
Da gleder jeg meg til Juni :)
Hvor skal du jobbe i sommer?
Var det koselig med familien?
Love u <3
:) Gleder meg til Juni til å se deg også Anna:D Jeg har fått kassa jobb på Meny:) så vi blir arbeidskammerater;) Familien er her fortsatt, og det er veldig koselig. neste uke har jeg springbrake og da skal vi til D.C og Canada.. så det blir bra:D
Love you:D<3
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